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Section Ⅰ Use of English

Your social life is defined as the activities you do with other people for pleasure, when you are not working. Some of us feel energised by spending lots of time with others, 1 some of us may feel drained , even if it’s doing something we enjoy.

This is why finding a 2 in your social life is a key. Spending too much time on your own, not 3 others, can make you feel lonely and 4 . Loneliness is known to impact on your mental health and 5 a low mood. Anyone can feel lonely at any time. This might be especially true if, 6 , you are working from home and you are 7 on the usual social conversations that happen in an office. Other life changes can 8 periods of loneliness too, such as retirement, changing jobs or becoming a parent.

It’s important to recognise these feelings of loneliness. There are ways to 9 a social life, but it can feel overwhelming 10 . It’s a great idea to start by thinking about hobbies you enjoy. You can then find groups and activities related to those where you will be able to meet 11 people. There are groups aimed at new parents, at those who want to 12 a new sport for the first time, or net working events for those in the same profession to meet up and 13 ideas.

On the other hand , it’s 14 possible to have too much of a social life. If you feel like you’re always doing something and there is never any 15 in your calendar for downtime, you could suffer social burnout or social 16 . We all have our own social limit and it’s important to recognise when you’re feeling like it’s all too much. Low mood, low energy, irritability and trouble sleeping could all be 17 of poor social health. Make sure you 18 some time in your diary when you’re 19 for socialising and use this time to relax, 20 and recover.

1. [A] because [B]unless [C]whereas [D] until

2. [A] contrast [B]balance [C] link [D] gap

3. [A] seeing [B] pleasing [C]judging [D] teaching

4. [A] misguided [B]surprised [C]spoiled [D]disconnected

5. [A]contribute to [B]rely on [C]interfere with [D] go against

6. [A] in fact [B] of course [C] for example [D] on average

7. [A] cutting back [B] missing out [C] breaking in [D] looking down

8. [A] shorten [B] trigger [C] follow [D] interrupt

9. [A] assess [B]interpret [C]provide [D]regain

10. [A]at first [B] in turn [C] on time [D] by change

11. [A]far-sighted [B]strong-willed [C]kind-hearted [D]like-minded

12. [A]try [B]promote [C]watch [D]describe

13. [A]test [B]share [C]accept [D] revise

14. [A]already [B]thus [C] also [D]only

15. [A]list [B]order [C]space [D]boundary

16. [A]fatigue [B] criticism [C]injustice [D] dilemma

17. [A]sources [B] standards [C]signs [D] scores

18. [A] take over [B]wipe off [C] add up [D] mark out

19. [A] ungrateful [B] unavailable [C] responsible [D] regretful

20. [A] react [B]repeat [C] return [D] rest

【1】C. whereas 空格前的内容“有些人花大量时间与他人在一起会感到精力充沛”与空格后的内容“有些人即使做的是自己喜欢的事情,也会感到身心疲惫”形成对比,故选whereas。

【2】B. balance 原文提到“在社交生活中找到______是关键”,由上文提到精力充沛和身心疲惫两种状态和下文提及的独处的缺点推测,此处要强调两种状态的平衡,故选balance。

【3】A. seeing 空格所在句表示“花太多时间独处,不与他人______,会让你感到孤独和孤立”,由常识可知,独处即不与他人交往或见面。Seeing表示“见面”,符合文意。

【4】D. disconnected 空格所在句表示“花太多时间独处,不与他人见面,会让你感到孤独和______”,推测所填词与“孤独”意义相近,disconnected表示“分离的”,符合文意。

【5】A. contribute to 空格所在句表示“众所周知,孤独会影响你的心理健康,______情绪低落”,其中“______情绪低落”与“影响你的心理健康”并列,都是孤独带来的结果。contribute to表示“导致”,符合文意。

【6】C. for example 本句举例说明上句观点“任何人在任何时候都可能感到孤独”,故选for example。

【7】B. missing out 空格部分“你______办公室里的日常社交对话”与“你在家工作”都是例子的内容,用于说明上一句“任何人在任何时候都可能感到孤独”。missing out表示“错过”,符合文意。

【8】B. trigger 空格所在句表示“生活中的其他变化也会______孤独感”,由“也”推测本句依然在说“感到孤独”。trigger表示“引发”,符合文意。

【9】D. regain 空格所在句表示“有很多方法可以______社交生活”,下文提到“找到与之相关的团体和活动”,即加入社交活动。Regain表示“重新获得”,符合文意。

【10】A. at first 原文提到“有很多方法可以重新获得社交生活,但______会让人感觉难以承受”,at first表示“最初,一开始”,符合文意。

【11】D. like-minded 空格上句提到“从你喜欢的爱好开始是个好主意”,空格所在部分提到“在那里你可以遇到______的人”,推测将会遇到与你有共同爱好的人。like-minded表示“志同道合的”,符合文意。

【12】A. try 空格所在部分提到“那些第一次______一项新运动的人”,try表示“尝试”,与“第一次”搭配符合文意。

【13】B. share 空格所在句部分表示“为同一行业的人提供工作活动,让他们见面并______想法”,share表示“分享”,符合文意。

【14】C. also 空格所在句表示“另一方面,______可能有太多的社交生活”,下文陈述社交生活过多的情况,空格处填入also(也)符合逻辑和文意。

【15】C. space 空格所在部分表示“如果你觉得你总是在做一些事情,在你的日程表上从来没有任何______”,空格所填词要与“你总是在做一些事情”对应。space表示“自由支配的时间”,符合文意。

【16】A. fatigue 空格所在部分表示“你可能会遭受社交倦怠或社交______”,所填词应与“倦怠”意义相近。fatigue表示“疲劳”,符合文意。

【17】C. signs 空格所在句表示“情绪低落、精力不足、易怒和睡眠问题都可能是社交健康状况不佳的______”,空格所填词是对上述问题的概括。sign表示“迹象”,符合文意。

【18】D. mark out 空格所在部分表示“一定要在日记中______时间”,mark out表示“标出,记下”,符合文意。

【19】B. unavailable 空格所在部分表示“当你______社交活动的时候,一定要在日记中记下时间”,结合上句提到的社交健康不佳的迹象,推测空格所填词表示“不能或无法”。unavailable代入表示“当你不能参加社交活动的时候”,符合文意。

【20】D. rest 空格所在部分表示“利用这段时间放松、______和恢复”,空格所填词应与“放松”和“恢复”意义相近。rest表示“休息”,符合文意。

Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1

21. Coyle argues in her new book that economy growth should ______.

A. give rise to innovations

B. diversify career choices

C. benefit people equally

D. be promoted forcefully

【21】C. benefit people equally 解析:该题为细节题,题干问Coyle在自己的新书对于经济增长的看法。由关键词Coyle、new book和economy growth可定位到第一段第二句“Whatever we mean by the economy growing, by things getting better, the gains will have to be more evenly shared than in the recent past,” she writes.该句提到,经济增长是让事物朝着好的方向发展,而且这种发展更应该被平等地分享。evenly shared对应benefit equally,故C项正确。

22. According to Paragraph 2, digital technologies should be used to ______.

A. bring about instant prosperity

B. reduce people’s workload

C. raise overall work efficiency

D. enhance cross-sector cooperation

【22】C. raise overall work efficiency 解析:该题为细节题,题干问第二段提到数字技术应该被用来做什么。由关键词digital economy可定位到第二段第一句“Improving living standards and increasing prosperity for more people will require greater use of digital technologies to boost productivity in various sectors, including health care and construction, says Coyle.”该句提到,更多的人需要应用数字技术来提升不同部门的生产效率。boost productivity对应raise work efficiency,故C项正确。

23. What does Coyle fear about transformative technologies?

A. They may affect work-life balance.

B. They may be impractical to deploy.

C. They may incur huge expenditure.

D. They may be unwelcome to the public.

【23】D. They may be unwelcome to the public. 解析:该题为细节题,题干问Coyle在转变技术上担心什么。由关键词Coyle、fear和transformative technologies可定位到第三段第二句,但此句中these提示做题线索在前文,即第三段第一句“In a recent interview with MIT Technology Review, Coyle said she fears that tech’s inequality problem could be a roadblock to deploying AI.”该句提到Coyle担心技术不平等问题会成为运用AI的障碍,再结合上文内容“But people can’t be expected to embrace the changes if they’re not seeing the benefits”可知,由于人们看不到利益好处,所以他们可能不会接受变化。综上,技术不平等让人们无法受益,也势必会造成人们对这种技术的不欢迎,故D项正确。

24. Several American cities are mentioned to show ______.

A. the uneven distribution of AI technologies in the US

B. the disappointing prospect of tech jobs in the US

C. the fast progress of US regional economies.

D. the increasing significance of US AI assets

【24】A. the uneven distribution of AI technologies in the US 解析:该题为例证题,题干问一些美国城市被提到证明什么。由关键词several American cities可定位到第六段,但此处为论据本身,其论点位于前一句,即第五段最后一句“New, well-paying tech jobs were clustered in a few cities.”该句提到,一些新的高薪职位在少数城市中汇集,即工作分布不均衡。clustered in a few cities对应uneven distribution,故A项正确。

25. With regard to Coyle’s concern the author suggests ______.

A. raising funds to start new AI projects

B. encouraging collaboration in AI research

C. guarding against the side effects of AI

D. redefining the role of AI technologies

【25】D. redefining the role of AI technologies 解析:该题为细节题,题干问关于Coyle的担心,作者提到了什么。由关键词Coyle’s concern可定位到最后一段“A more immediate response is to broaden our digital imaginations to conceive of AI technologies that don’t simply replace jobs but expand opportunities in the sectors that different parts of the country care most about, like health care, education, and manufacturing.”该句提到一个更为即时的回应便是拓宽我们关于如何设想数字技术的想法,即人工智能不是单纯地替换工作,而是扩大不同工作领域的机会。broaden... imagination to conceive of AI对应redefine the role,故D项正确。

Text 2

26. It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that the UK needs to ______.

A. increase its domestic wood supply

B reduce its demand for timber

C. lower its wood productive costs

D. lift its control on timber imports

【26】A. increase its domestic wood supply 解析:该题为细节题,题干问第一段提到英国需要做什么。由关键词the UK可定位到第一段第二句“The forestry and wood trade body has called for urgent action to reduce the country’s reliance on timber imports and provide a stable supply of wood for future generations.”该句提到英国需要迫切地降低对于木材进口的依赖以及为后代提供可靠的木材供应,即英国应该提升本国木材的供应量,故A项正确。

27. According to Confor, the UK government’s fresh incentives ______.

A. can hardly address a construction crisis

B. are believed to come at a wrong time

C. seem to be misleading for landowners

D. will be too costly to put into practice

【27】A. can hardly address a construction crisis 解析:该题为细节题,题干问Confor如何看待认为英国新的激励措施。由关键词Confor以及UK government’s fresh incentives可定位到第三段“...the trade body says these don’t go far enough and fail to promote the benefits of planting them to boost timber supplies.”以及第四段第一句“Not only are we facing a carbon crisis now, but we will also be facing a future construction crisis because of a failure to plant trees to produce wood,” said Stuart Goodall, chief executive of Confor.”这两句提到这些举措还不到位而且无法促进种树提升木材供应的好处,而且这种情况不仅导致了碳危机,还导致了建筑危机无法得到解决,故A项正确。

28. The UK’s exposure to fluctuating wood prices is a result of ______.

A. the government’s inaction on timber imports

B. inadequate investment in growing wood

C. the competition among timber traders at home

D. wood producers’ motive to maximise profits

【28】B. inadequate investment in growing wood 解析:该题为细节题,题干问英国面对木材价格波动的原因是什么。由关键词UK’s exposure和fluctuating wood prices可定位到第四段第二句“For decades we have not taken responsibility for investing in our domestic wood supply, leaving us exposed to fluctuating prices and fighting for future supplies of wood as global demand rises and our own supplies fall.”该句提到多年以来,我们没有对于投资更多的国内木材供应负责任,这导致我们面对着木材价格波动的问题,故B项正确。

29. Which of the following causes the shortage of wood supply in the UK?

A. Excessive timber consumption in construction

B. Unfavorable conditions for growing wood.

C. Outdated technologies of the wood industry.

D. Farmers’ unwillingness to plant tree.

【29】D. Farmers’ unwillingness to plant tree. 解析:该题为细节题,题干问导致英国木材短缺的原因是什么。由关键词the shortage of wood supply和in the UK可定位到第六段第二句“It also encompasses significant hesitation on behalf of farmers and other landowners to invest in longer term planting projects.”该句提到它(英国目前的境况,即“木材短缺”)代表农民和其他土地所有者对投资长期种植项目的重大犹豫,即农民在种树方面不情愿。hesitation对应unwillingness,故D项正确。

30. What does Goodall think the UK government should do?

A. Subsidize the building of low-carbon homes.

B. Pay greater attention to boosting rural economies.

C. Provide more support for productive tree planting

D. Five priority to pursuing its net-zero strategy.

【30】C. Provide more support for productive tree planting 解析:该题为细节题,题干问Goodall认为英国应该怎样做。由关键词Goodall和UK government可定位到最后一段“While the UK government has stated its ambition for more tree planting, there has been little action on the ground. Confor is now calling for much greater impetus behind those aspirations to ensure we have enough wood to meet increasing demand.”该段提到虽然英国政府阐明了种植更多树木的决心,但是一直没有采取行动,对此,Confor呼吁政府在这些决心的背后能够提供更多的动力以确保木材能够得到持续供应,故C项正确。

Text 3

31. According to Paragraph 1, keeping unsafe aging drivers off the road _____.

A. is a new safety measure

B. has become a disputed issue

C. can be a tough task to complete

D. will be beneficial to their health

【31】C. can be a tough task to complete 解析:该题为细节题,问“让不安全的老年司机远离道路”是怎样的?根据题干原词“keeping unsafe aging drivers off the road” 定位到首段首句,该句说“让不安全的老年司机远离道路的最大挑战之一是,说服他们是时候交出钥匙了”。从该句可知,很难说服老年司机放弃驾车,远离道路,即“让不安全的老年司机远离道路,会是一个很难完成的任务”。

32. The American Medical Association’s advice _____.

A. has won support from drivers

B. is generally considered unrealistic

C. is widely dismissed as unnecessary

D. has met with different responses

【32】D. has met with different responses 解析:该题为细节题,问“美国医学会的建议”怎么样?根据题干原词“The American Medical Association”和“advice”的派生词 “advises”定位到第三段第一句,该句介绍美国医学会建议的具体内容,即 “通知机动车辆管理局”;第二句介绍各州对该建议的回应:(Some states require physicians to report, others allow but do not mandate reports, while a few consider a report a breach of confidentiality.)“一些州要求医生报告,另一些州允许但不强制要求报告,而少数州则认为报告违反了保密规定”。由此可知,各州对该建议回应不同,即“美国医学会的建议得到了不同回应”。

33. According to Dugan, efforts to keep older drivers safe _____.

A. have brought about big changes

B. need to be well coordinated

C. have gained public recognition

D. call for relevant legal support

【33】B. need to be well coordinated 解析:该题为细节题,问“根据杜根的说法,确保老年司机安全的努力”怎么样了?根据题干专有名词Dugan和原词“keep older drivers safe”定位到第五段。首句说到“确保老年司机安全的部分问题在于,这些困难是由不同行业以不同的重点零碎地解决的”,由该句可知确保老年司机的安全需要各行业合作完成;后文提到“没有国家老年司机研究所;我们需要更好的证据来说明是什么让司机不安全”,以及什么可以提供帮助”,由此可知,目前各行业的协调合作有待完善,即“确保老年司机安全的努力,需要良好协调”。

34. Some older drivers have trouble driving because they tend to _____?

A. stick with bad driving habits

B. have a weakened memory

C. suffer from chronic pains

D. neglect car maintenance

【34】B. have a weakened memory 解析:该题为细节题,问“一些年长的司机在驾驶时遇到困难,因为他们往往存在什么情况?根据题干原词“have trouble driving because”定位到第7段第二句,该句说到“初级保健提供者忙得不可开交,可能无法跟进患者,这些患者(即首句提到的old drivers“年长的司机”)在驾驶时遇到困难,因为他们无法转头或记住要去哪里)或变得更矮,而且没有充分调整座椅设置以轻松够到汽车踏板。”由此可知,年长的司机驾驶困难的原因有身体限制、记忆力衰退、身材变矮等因素,B选项“他们往往记忆力减退”是正解。

35. Dugan thinks that the solution to the problems of crashes may lie in _____.

A. upgrading self-driving vehicles

B. developing senior-friendly cars

C. renovating transport facilities

D. adjusting the age limit for drivers

【35】B. developing senior-friendly cars 解析:该题为细节题,问“杜根认为,解决撞车问题的方法可能在于什么?”根据题干原词“Dugan”和“the problems of crashes”及“solution”的派生词“solve”定位到第8段,该段提到“自动驾驶汽车解决不了撞车问题”“但我们需要做更多的事情来提高安全性,该句所知“更多的事情”即第9段“我们需要 90 岁的老人可以舒适驾驶的汽车。”,由此可知,杜根认为,解决撞车的问题需要“开发适合老年人驾驶的汽车”。

Text 4

36. The research findings are cited in paragraph 1 to show _____.

A. the prevalence of health apps

B. the public concern over health

C. the popularity of smartphones

A. the advancement of technology

【36】A. the prevalence of health apps 解析:该题为例证题,问“研究结果在第一段被引用,为了说明什么?”根据题干中The research findings的同义表达,“Recent research... found that...”, 定位到第1段第3句,该研究论据所要说明的论点是第一句,即“如果你看一下手机上的应用程序,很可能你至少有一个与健康相关的应用程序——或者是数个。”由此可知,“健康应用程序分布广泛”。

37. What does the author imply about existing health privacy law?

A. Its coverage needs to be extended.

B. Its enforcement needs strengthening.

C. It has discouraged medical misconduct.

D. It has disappointed insurance companies.

【37】A. Its coverage needs to be extended. 解析:该题为细节题,问“关于现存的健康隐私法,作者有何暗示?”根据题干原词 “existing health privacy law” 定位到第2段第2句,该句主干说到“现有的健康隐私法,主要集中在(医院、医生办公室、诊所和保险公司)在线存储医疗记录的方式上”,下句说到“这些应用程序和跟踪可穿戴设备收集的医疗信息通常不会得到相同的法律保护”,由此可知现存健康隐私法保护了存储健康记录的方式,而没有保护医疗信息本身,暗示健康隐私法“需要扩大覆盖范围”。

38. Before sharing its users’ health information, Flo Health is required to _____.

A. seek the approval of the FTC

B. find qualified third parties

C. remove irrelevant personal data

D. obtain their explicit permission

【38】D. obtain their explicit permission 解析:该题为细节题,问“在共享用户的健康信息之前,Flo Health需要做什么?”根据题干原词 “Flo Health”, “sharing users’ health information”, 和 “required”的派生词 “requiring”定位到第6段第3句,该句说到“Flo Health and the FTC用一项《同意令》解决了该事件,《同意令》要求该公司在共享其健康信息之前,需获得应用程序用户的明确同意,并指示第三方删除他们获得的数据。”,由此可知,在共享用户的健康信息之前,Flo Health需要“获得用户的明确同意”。

39. What challenge is the FTC currently faced with?

A. The complexity of health information.

B. The rapid increase in new health apps.

C. The subtle deceptiveness of health apps.

D. The difficulty in assessing consumer harm.

【39】B. The rapid increase in new health apps. 解析:该题为细节题,问“FTC目前面临什么挑战?”根据题干原词 “FTC”和 “challenge”定位至第8段末句,该句说到“虽然FTC正在尽其所能确保应用程序在处理敏感健康信息方面信守对消费者的承诺,但这些健康应用程序进入市场的速度表明这是一个多么巨大的挑战”。 B选项“(The rapid increase in new health apps.)”新的健康应用程序的快速增长是对原文 “the rate at which these health apps are hitting the market”的同义表达。

40. It can be learned from the last paragraph that health data protection _____.

A· has been embraced by health app developers

B. has been a focus of federal policy-making

C. has encountered opposition in California

D. has gained legislative support in some states

【40】D. has gained legislative support in some states 解析:该题为细节题,问“从最后一段可知,健康数据的保护怎么样了?根据段落信息last paragraph和题干原词 “data”和 “protection” 定位到末段第2句,该句说到“各州已开始实施自己的解决方案,以加强对消费者生成的健康数据的保护”,且其后两句用“加利福尼亚、弗吉尼亚、科罗拉多和犹他”等州为例证明该论点,即健康数据的保护”已经获得了一些州的立法支持”。

Part B

High school students eager to stand out in the college application process often participate in a litany of extracurricular activities hoping to bolster their chances of admission to a selective undergraduate institution.

However, college admissions experts say that the quality of a college hopeful's extracurricular activities matters more than the number of activities he or she participates in.

Sue Rexford, the director of college guidance at the Charles. E. Smith Jewish Day School, says it is not necessary for a student, filling out the Common Application to list lo activities in the application

“No” college will expect that a student has a huge laundry list of extracurriculars that they have been passionately involved in each for an extended period of time," Rexfon d wrote in an email.

Experts say it is tougher to distinguish oneself in a school-affiliated extracurricular activity that is common among high school students than it is to stand out while doing an uncommon activity.

The competition to stand out and make an impact is going to be much stiffer, and so if they're going to do a popular activity, I'd say, be the best at it." says Sara Harherson, a college admission consultant.

High school students who have an impressive personal project they are working on independently often impress colleges, experts say.

"For example, a student with an interest in entrepreneurship could demonstrate skills and potential by starting a profitable small business." Olivia Valdes, the founder of Zen Admissions consulting firm, wrote in an email.

Joseph Adegboyega-Edun, a Maryland High school guidance counselor, says unconventional, extracurricular activities can help students, impress college admissions offices, assuming they demonstrated serious commitment."Again, since one of the big questions. high school seniors muse consider is "What makes you unique?" having an uncommon, extracurricular activity, a conventional one is an advantage," he wrote in an email.

Experts say demonstrating talent in at least one extracurricular activity can help in the college admissions process, especially at top-tier undergraduate institutions.

"Distinguishing yourself in one focused type of extracurricular activity can be a positive in the admissions process, especially for highly selective institutions, where having top grades and test scores is not enough,” Katie Kelley admissions counselor at Ivy Wise admissions consultancy, wrote in an email.“Students need to have that quality or hook that will appeal to admissions officers and allow them to visualize how the student might come and enrich their campus community."

Extracurricular activities related to the college major declared on a college application are beneficial, experts suggest."If you already know your major, having an extracurricular that fits into that major can be a big plus," says Mayghin Levine, the manager of educational opportunities with The Cabbage Patch Settlement House, a Louisville, Kentucky, nonprofit community center.

High school students who have had a strong positive influence on their community through an extracurricular activity may impress a college and win a scholarship, says Erica Gwyn, a former math and science magnet program assistant at a public high school who is now executive director of the Kaleidoscope Careers Academy in Atlanta, a nonprofit organization.

  [A] Students who stands out in a specific extracurricular acting will be favored by top-tier institutions.
41. Sue Rexford   [B]Students whose extracurricular activity has benefited their community are likely to win a scholarship.
42. Sara Harbneson
[C]Undertaking too many extracurricular will hardly be seen as a plus by colleges.
43. Katie Kelley
[D]A student who exhibits activity in doing business can impress colleges.
44. Mayghin Leuine
[E]High school students participating in a popular activity should excel in it.
45. Erica Gwyn
[F]Engaging in uncommon activities can demonstrate students’ determination and dedication.
  [G]It is advisable for students to choose an extracurricular activity  that is related to their furture study at college.

【41】C Sue Rexford 出现在文章的第3段和第4段,文章 has a huge laundry list of extracurricular activities 与选项 Undertaking too many extracurricular activities 对应;No college will expect that 与选项 will hardly be seen as a plus by colleges 对应。

【42】E Sara Harbenson 出现在文章第6段,文章 they 与选项 High school students 对应;文章 be the best at it 与选项 should excel in it对应;文章 do a popular activity 与选项 participating in a popular activity 对应。

【43】A Katie Kalley 出现在文章的第11段,文章 Distinguishing yourself in one focused type of extracurricular activity 与选项 Students who stands out in a specific extracurricular activity 对应;文章 can be a positive in the admissions process, especially for highly selective institutions 与选项 will be favored by top-tier institutions 对应。

【44】G Mayghin Leuine 出现在文章的倒数第二段,文章 Extracurricular activities related to the college major declared on a college application 与选项 an extracurricular activity that is related to their future study at college 以及 having an extracurricular that fits into that major 对应;文章 are beneficial 和 can be a big plus 与选项 It is advisable 对应。

【45】B Erica Gwyn 出现在文章的最后一段,文章 students 和 extracurricular activity 在选项中复现;文章 had a strong positive influence on their community 与选项 has benefited their community 对应;文章 may win a scholarship 与选项 are likely to win a scholarship 对应。

Section III Translation


With the smell of coffee and fresh bread floating in the air, stalls bursting with colorful vegetables and tempting cheeses, and the buzz of friendly chats, farmer’s markets are a feast for the senses. They also provide an opportunity to talk to the people responsible for growing or raising your food, support your local economy and pick up fresh seasonal produce—all at the same time.

Farmer’s markets are usually weekly or monthly events, most often with outdoor stalls, which allows farmers or producers to sell their food directly to customers. The size or regularity of markets can vary from season to season, depending on the area’s agricultural calendar, and you’re likely to find different produce on sale at different times of the year. By cutting out the middlemen, the farmers secure more profit for their produce. Shoppers also benefit from seeing exactly where—and to who—their money is going.





Section IV Writing

Part A

【47】Suppose you and Jack are going to do a survey on the protection of old houses in an ancient town. Write him an email to

1) put forward your plan, and

2) ask for his opinion.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)


Dear Jack,

How was everything going? Since we are planning a survey on the protection of old houses, I am writing this letter to share my plans with you.

The detailed plans are as follows. First of all, I will search some valuable materials and information on the website, which can lay a solid foundation for our survey. Secondly, after collecting the relevant information, we can pay a visit to Professor Smith, who is an informed historian. He will be willing to give us some practical advice. Lastly, in addition to survey, we had better go to these old houses in person to appreciate their charm and beauty.

If you have other practical suggestions, please share some with me so that I can make some adjustment in advance. I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B

【48】In your essay, you should describe the picture briefly, interpret the implied meaning and give your comments.



The chart records the survey on students’ gain from practice activity curriculum in one university. Among these, acquiring relevant knowledge gains the percentage of 91.3, which already outweighs that of all the others. Besides, enhancing labor ability, relaxing body and mind, and cultivating cooperative ability account for 84.8%, 54.4% and 32.6% respectively.

In my view, these phenomena can be attributed to a host of factors, among which two are analyzed as follows. For one thing, taking practice activity curriculum could cultivate students’ sound and comprehensive ability. Except studying theoretical knowledge and basic knowledge, it also aims at improving youngsters’ practical as well as the cooperative competence. For another, it is true that college students of today have no choice but to confront stresses felt in day-to-day study. That is why certain students regard taking practice courses as a way of relaxation. Only by taking such courses can they relax their bodies and ease their minds.

Based on the discussion above, we can draw a conclusion that practice classes exert a positive impact on college students in the aspects of studying, ability-improving and relaxing. So it is advisable for university to offer more practice activity courses to cater to students’ need.





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