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Section Ⅰ Use of English

Your social life is defined as the activities you do with other people for pleasure, when you are not working. Some of us feel energised by spending lots of time with others, 1 some of us may feel drained , even if it’s doing something we enjoy.

This is why finding a 2 in your social life is a key. Spending too much time on your own, not 3 others, can make you feel lonely and 4 . Loneliness is known to impact on your mental health and 5 a low mood. Anyone can feel lonely at any time. This might be especially true if, 6 , you are working from home and you are 7 on the usual social conversations that happen in an office. Other life changes can 8 periods of loneliness too, such as retirement, changing jobs or becoming a parent.

It’s important to recognise these feelings of loneliness. There are ways to 9 a social life, but it can feel overwhelming 10 . It’s a great idea to start by thinking about hobbies you enjoy. You can then find groups and activities related to those where you will be able to meet 11 people. There are groups aimed at new parents, at those who want to 12 a new sport for the first time, or net working events for those in the same profession to meet up and 13 ideas.

On the other hand , it’s 14 possible to have too much of a social life. If you feel like you’re always doing something and there is never any 15 in your calendar for downtime, you could suffer social burnout or social 16 . We all have our own social limit and it’s important to recognise when you’re feeling like it’s all too much. Low mood, low energy, irritability and trouble sleeping could all be 17 of poor social health. Make sure you 18 some time in your diary when you’re 19 for socialising and use this time to relax, 20 and recover.

1. [A] because [B]unless [C]whereas [D] until

2. [A] contrast [B]balance [C] link [D] gap

3. [A] seeing [B] pleasing [C]judging [D] teaching

4. [A] misguided [B]surprised [C]spoiled [D]disconnected

5. [A]contribute to [B]rely on [C]interfere with [D] go against

6. [A] in fact [B] of course [C] for example [D] on average

7. [A] cutting back [B] missing out [C] breaking in [D] looking down

8. [A] shorten [B] trigger [C] follow [D] interrupt

9. [A] assess [B]interpret [C]provide [D]regain

10. [A]at first [B] in turn [C] on time [D] by change

11. [A]far-sighted [B]strong-willed [C]kind-hearted [D]like-minded

12. [A]try [B]promote [C]watch [D]describe

13. [A]test [B]share [C]accept [D] revise

14. [A]already [B]thus [C] also [D]only

15. [A]list [B]order [C]space [D]boundary

16. [A]fatigue [B] criticism [C]injustice [D] dilemma

17. [A]sources [B] standards [C]signs [D] scores

18. [A] take over [B]wipe off [C] add up [D] mark out

19. [A] ungrateful [B] unavailable [C] responsible [D] regretful

20. [A] react [B]repeat [C] return [D] rest

【1】C. whereas 空格前的内容“有些人花大量时间与他人在一起会感到精力充沛”与空格后的内容“有些人即使做的是自己喜欢的事情,也会感到身心疲惫”形成对比,故选whereas。

【2】B. balance 原文提到“在社交生活中找到______是关键”,由上文提到精力充沛和身心疲惫两种状态和下文提及的独处的缺点推测,此处要强调两种状态的平衡,故选balance。

【3】A. seeing 空格所在句表示“花太多时间独处,不与他人______,会让你感到孤独和孤立”,由常识可知,独处即不与他人交往或见面。Seeing表示“见面”,符合文意。

【4】D. disconnected 空格所在句表示“花太多时间独处,不与他人见面,会让你感到孤独和______”,推测所填词与“孤独”意义相近,disconnected表示“分离的”,符合文意。

【5】A. contribute to 空格所在句表示“众所周知,孤独会影响你的心理健康,______情绪低落”,其中“______情绪低落”与“影响你的心理健康”并列,都是孤独带来的结果。contribute to表示“导致”,符合文意。

【6】C. for example 本句举例说明上句观点“任何人在任何时候都可能感到孤独”,故选for example。

【7】B. missing out 空格部分“你______办公室里的日常社交对话”与“你在家工作”都是例子的内容,用于说明上一句“任何人在任何时候都可能感到孤独”。missing out表示“错过”,符合文意。

【8】B. trigger 空格所在句表示“生活中的其他变化也会______孤独感”,由“也”推测本句依然在说“感到孤独”。trigger表示“引发”,符合文意。

【9】D. regain 空格所在句表示“有很多方法可以______社交生活”,下文提到“找到与之相关的团体和活动”,即加入社交活动。Regain表示“重新获得”,符合文意。

【10】A. at first 原文提到“有很多方法可以重新获得社交生活,但______会让人感觉难以承受”,at first表示“最初,一开始”,符合文意。

【11】D. like-minded 空格上句提到“从你喜欢的爱好开始是个好主意”,空格所在部分提到“在那里你可以遇到______的人”,推测将会遇到与你有共同爱好的人。like-minded表示“志同道合的”,符合文意。

【12】A. try 空格所在部分提到“那些第一次______一项新运动的人”,try表示“尝试”,与“第一次”搭配符合文意。

【13】B. share 空格所在句部分表示“为同一行业的人提供工作活动,让他们见面并______想法”,share表示“分享”,符合文意。

【14】C. also 空格所在句表示“另一方面,______可能有太多的社交生活”,下文陈述社交生活过多的情况,空格处填入also(也)符合逻辑和文意。

【15】C. space 空格所在部分表示“如果你觉得你总是在做一些事情,在你的日程表上从来没有任何______”,空格所填词要与“你总是在做一些事情”对应。space表示“自由支配的时间”,符合文意。

【16】A. fatigue 空格所在部分表示“你可能会遭受社交倦怠或社交______”,所填词应与“倦怠”意义相近。fatigue表示“疲劳”,符合文意。

【17】C. signs 空格所在句表示“情绪低落、精力不足、易怒和睡眠问题都可能是社交健康状况不佳的______”,空格所填词是对上述问题的概括。sign表示“迹象”,符合文意。

【18】D. mark out 空格所在部分表示“一定要在日记中______时间”,mark out表示“标出,记下”,符合文意。

【19】B. unavailable 空格所在部分表示“当你______社交活动的时候,一定要在日记中记下时间”,结合上句提到的社交健康不佳的迹象,推测空格所填词表示“不能或无法”。unavailable代入表示“当你不能参加社交活动的时候”,符合文意。

【20】D. rest 空格所在部分表示“利用这段时间放松、______和恢复”,空格所填词应与“放松”和“恢复”意义相近。rest表示“休息”,符合文意。





【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。

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