【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。
Text 2
Communities throughout New England have been attempting to regulate short-term rentals since sites like Airbnb took off in the 2010s. Now with record-high home prices and historically low inventory, there’s an increased urgency in such regulation, particularly among those who worry that developers will come in and buy up swaths of housing to flip for a fortune on the short-term rental market.
In New Hampshire, where the rental vacancy rate has dropped below 1 percent, housing advocates fear unchecked short-term rentals will put further pressure on an already strained market. The State Legislature recently voted against a bill that would’ve made it illegal for towns to create legislation restricting short-term rentals.
“We are at a crisis level on the supply of rental housing,” said Nick Taylor, executive director of the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast. Without enough affordable housing in southern New Hampshire towns, “employers are having a hard time attracting employees, and workers are having a hard time finding a place to live,” Taylor said.
However, short-term rentals also provide housing for tourists, pointed out Ryan Castle, CEO of a local association of realter. “A lot of workers are servicing the tourist industry, and the tourism industry is serviced by those people coming in short term,” Castle said, “and so it’s a cyclical effect.”
Short-term rentals themselves are not the crux of the issue, said Keren Horn, an expert on affordable housing policy. “I think individuals being able to rent out their second home is a good thing. If it’s their vacation home anyway, and it’s just empty, why can’t you make money off it?” Horn said. Issues arise, however, when developers attempt to create large-scale short-term rental facilities—de facto hotels—to bypass taxes and regulations. “I think the question is, shouldn’t a developer who’s really building a hotel, but disguising it as not a hotel, be treated and taxed and regulated like a hotel?” Horn said.
At the end of 2018, governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts signed a bill to rein in those potential investor-buyers. The bill requires every rental host to register with the state mandates they carry insurance, and opens the potential for local taxes on top of a new state levy. Boston took things even further, requiring renters to register with the city’s Inspectional Services Department.
Horn said similar registration requirements could benefit struggling cities and towns, but “if we want to make a change in the housing market, the main one is we have to build a lot more.”
26. Which of the following is true of New England?
A. Its housing supply is at a very low level.
B. Its communities are in need of funding.
C. Its rental vacancy rate is going up slowly.
D. Its home prices are under strict control.
27. The bill mentioned in Paragraph 2 was intended to
A. curb short-term rental speculation.
B. ensure the supply of cheap housing.
C. punish illegal dealings in housing.
D. allow a free short-term rental market.
28. Compared with Castle, Taylor is more likely to support
A. further investment in local tourism.
B. an increase in affordable housing.
C. strict management of real estate agents.
D. a favorable policy for short-term workers.
29. What does Horn emphasize in Paragraph 5?
A. The urgency to upgrade short-term rental facilities.
B. The efficient operation of the local housing market.
C. The necessity to stop developers from evading taxes.
D. The proper procedures for renting out spare houses.
30. Horn holds that imposing registration requirements is
A. an irrational decision.
B. an unfeasible proposal.
C. an unnecessary measure.
D. an inadequate solution.
Text 2答案及解析
26. Which of the following is true of New England?
A. Its housing supply is at a very low level.
B. Its communities are in need of funding.
C. Its rental vacancy rate is going up slowly.
D. Its home prices are under strict control.
【26】A Its housing supply is at a very low level 解析: 该题为事实细节题,问关于新英格兰哪点是正确的,文中提到:随着房价创纪录的高和历史性的低库存(with record-high home prices and historically low inventory)。所以Its housing supply is at a very low level住房供应处于非常低的水平以及historically low inventory历史性的低库存是同义替换,故选A。
27. The bill mentioned in Paragraph 2 was intended to
A. curb short-term rental speculation.
B. ensure the supply of cheap housing.
C. punish illegal dealings in housing.
D. allow a free short-term rental market.
【27】D allow a free short-term rental market 解析:该题为细节题,问第2段提到的法案旨在,文中提到:法案将城镇制定限制短期租赁的立法成为非法。(a bill that would’ve made it illegal for towns to create legislation restricting short-term rentals)。所以该法案不希望限制短期租赁,故选D。
28. Compared with Castle, Taylor is more likely to support
A. further investment in local tourism.
B. an increase in affordable housing.
C. strict management of real estate agents.
D. a favorable policy for short-term workers.
【28】B an increase in affordable housing 解析: 该题为细节题,与Castle相比,Taylor更有可能支持,文中提到:没有足够的可负担住房,泰勒说:“雇主很难吸引员工,工人也很难找到住处。”(Without enough affordable housing ..., “employers are having a hard time attracting employees, and workers are having a hard time finding a place to live,’’ Taylor said)。所以Taylor认为需要增加可负担住房,故选B。
29. What does Horn emphasize in Paragraph 5?
A. The urgency to upgrade short-term rental facilities.
B. The efficient operation of the local housing market.
C. The necessity to stop developers from evading taxes.
D. The proper procedures for renting out spare houses.
【29】C The necessity to stop developers from evading taxes 解析: 该题为细节题,在第5段中Horn强调了什么,文中提到:霍恩说:“我认为问题是,一个开发商如果真的在建造酒店,却把它伪装成不是酒店,难道不应该像酒店一样受到对待、征税和监管吗?”(“I think the question is, shouldn’t a developer who’s really building a hotel, but disguising it as not a hotel, be treated and taxed and regulated like a hotel?’’ Horn said.)所以Horn认为有必要阻止开发商为了避税和避开监管而在建造酒店的过程中伪装成不是酒店,故选C。
30. Horn holds that imposing registration requirements is
A. an irrational decision.
B. an unnecessary measure.
C. an unfeasible proposal.
D. an inadequate solution.
【30】D an inadequate solution 解析:该题为细节题,Horn认为强制执行登记要求是,文中提到:霍恩表示,类似的登记要求可能会让其他陷入困境的城市和城镇受益。然而,解决这个问题的唯一途径是创造更多的住房。(Horn said similar registration requirements could benefit other struggling cities and towns. The only way to solve the issue, however, is by creating more housing.)说明Horn认为类似的登记要求其实并不是一个合适的解决方案,故选D。
【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。
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