【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。
考试科目代码 211 考试科目名称 翻译硕士英语
Part I WRITING (30 points)
Directions :For this part, there are two tasks. Read the instructions for each task carefully.
You should write your answer on Answer Sheet.
Write at least 150 words for Task 1.
Write at least 250 words for Task 2.
WRITING TASK 1 (10 points )
A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
• give contact details for when you are away
• give instructions about how to care for your pet
• describe other household duties
Write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write any addresses.
Begin your letter as follows:
Dear .....................,
WRITING TASK 2 (20 points )
Write about the following topic:
Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Part II READING ( 40 points, 2 points for each item)
Directions: There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.
Questions 1 to 6 are based on the following passage.
The preservation of embryos and juveniles is rare occurrence in the fossil record. The tiny, delicate skeletons are usually scattered by scavengers or destroyed by weathering before they can be fossilized. Ichthyosaurs had a higher chance of being preserved than did terrestrial creatures because, as marine animals, they tended to live in environments less subject to erosion. Still, their fossilization required a suite of factors: a slow rate of decay of soft tissues, little scavenging by other animals, a lack of swift currents and waves to jumble and carry
away small bones, and fairly rapid burial. Given these factors, some areas have become a treasury of well-preserved ichthyosaur fossils.
The deposits at Holzmaden, Germany, present an interesting case for analysis. The ichthyosaur remains are found in black, bituminous marine shales deposited about 190 million years ago. Over the years, thousands of specimens of marine reptiles, fish, and invertebrates have been recovered from these rocks. The quality of preservation is outstanding, but what is even more impressive is the number of ichthyosaur fossils containing preserved embryos. Ichthyosaurs with embryos have been reported from 6 different levels of the shale in a small area around Holzmaden, suggesting that a specific site was used by large numbers of ichthyosaurs repeatedly over time. The embryos are quite advanced in their physical development; their paddles, for example, are already well formed. One specimen is even preserved in the birth canal. In addition, the shale contains the remains of many newborns that are between 20 and 30 inches long.
Why are there so many pregnant females and young at Holzmaden when they are so rare elsewhere? The quality of preservation is almost unmatched, and quarry operations factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.
Questions 1-6
1. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?
A) Some species of ichthyosaurs decayed more rapidly than other species.
B) Ichthyosaur newborns are smaller than other newborn marine reptiles.
C) Ichthyosaurs were more advanced than terrestrial creatures.
D) Ichthyosaurs may have gathered at Holzmaden to give birth.
2. All of the following are mentioned as factors that encourage fossilization EXCEPT the
A) speed of burial
B) conditions of the water
C) rate at which soft tissues decay
D) cause of death of the animal
3. Which of the following is true of the fossil deposits discussed in the passage?
A) They include examples of newly discovered species.
B) They contain large numbers of well-preserved specimens.
C) They are older than fossils found in other places.
D) They have been analyzed more carefully than other fossils.
4. Why does the author mention the specimen preserved in the birth canal (line 19)?
A) To illustrate that the embryo fossils are quite advanced in their development
B) To explain why the fossils are well preserved
C) To indicate how the ichthyosaurs died
D) To prove that ichthyosaurs are marine animals.
5. Which of the following best expresses the relationship between the first and second paragraphs?
A) The first paragraph describes a place while the second paragraph describes a field of study.
B) The first paragraph defines the terms that are used in the second paragraph.
C) The second paragraph describes a specific instance of the general topic discussed in the first paragraph.
D) The second paragraph presents information that contrasts with the information given in the first paragraph.
6. Where in the passage does the author mentions the variety of fossils found at Holzmaden?
A) Line 1
B) Lines 3-5
C) Lines 12- 13
D) Lines 19-21
Questions 7 to 14 are based on the following passage.
A folk culture is small, isolated, cohesive, conservative, nearly self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race, with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals. Order is maintained through sanctions based in the religion or family, and interpersonal relationships are strong. Tradition is paramount, and change comes infrequently and slowly. There is relatively little division of labor into specialized duties. Rather, each person is expected to perform a great variety of tasks, though duties many differ between the sexes. Most goods are handmade, and a subsistence economy prevails. Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures, as are social classes. Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada. Perhaps the nearest modern-equivalent in Anglo-America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor-saving device of the industrial age. In Amish areas, horse-drawn buggies still serve as a local transportation device, and the faithful are not permitted to own automobiles. The Amish’s central religious concept of Demut, “humility”, clearly reflects the weakness of individualism and social class so typical of folk cultures, and there is a corresponding strength of Amish group identity. Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect. The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining-order.
By contrast, a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group, often highly individualistic and constantly changing. Relationships tend to be impersonal, and a pronounced division of labor exists, leading to the establishment of many specialized professions. Secular institutions of control such as the police and army take the place of religion and family in maintaining order, and a money-based economy prevails. Because of these contrasts, “popular” may be viewed as clearly different from “folk” . The popular is replacing the folk in industrialized countries and in many developing nations, Folk-made objects give way to their popular equivalent, usually because the popular item is more quickly or cheaply produced, is easier or time saving to use, or lends more prestige to the owner.
Questions 7-14
7. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A) Two decades in modern society
B) The influence of industrial technology
C) The characteristics of “folk” and “popular” societies
D) The specialization of labor in Canada and United States
8. The word “homogeneous” in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A) uniform
B) general
C) primitive
D) traditional
9. Which of the following is typical of folk cultures?
A) There is a money-based economy.
B) Social change occurs slowly.
C) Contact with other cultures is encouraged.
D) Each person develops one specialized skill.
10. What does the author imply about the United States and Canada?
A) They value folk cultures.
B) They have no social classes.
C) They have popular cultures.
D) They do not value individualism.
11. What is the main source of order in Amish society?
A) The government
B) The economy
C) The clan structure
D) The religion
12. Which of the following statements about Amish beliefs does the passage support?
A) A variety of religious practices is tolerated.
B) Individualism and competition are important.
C) Pre-modern technology is preferred.
D) People are defined according to their class.
13. Which of the following would probably NOT be found in a folk culture?
A) A carpenter
B) A farmer
C) A weaver
D) A banker
14. Which of the following is NOT given as a reason why folk-made objects are replaced by mass-produced objects?
A) Cost
B) Prestige
C) Quality
D) Convenience
Questions 15 to 20 are based on the following passage.
Panel painting, common in thirteenth-and fourteenth-century Europe, involved a painstaking, laborious process. Wooden planks were joined, covered with gesso to prepare the surface for painting, and then polished smooth with special tools. On this perfect surface, the artist would sketch a composition with chalk, refine it with inks, and then begin the deliberate process of applying thin layers of egg tempera paint (egg yolk in which pigments are suspended) with small brushes. The successive layering of these meticulously applied paints produced the final, translucent colors.
Backgrounds or gold were made by carefully applying sheets of gold leaf, and then embellishing of decorating the gold leaf by punching it with a metal rod on which a pattern had been embossed. Every step in the process was slow and deliberate. The quick-drying tempera demanded that the artist know exactly where each stroke be placed before the brush met the panel, and it required the use of fine brushes. It was, therefore, an ideal technique for emphasizing the hard-linear edges and pure, fine areas of color that were so much a part of the overall aesthetic of the time. The notion that an artist could or would dash off an idea in a fit of spontaneous inspiration was completely alien to these deliberately produced works.
Furthermore, making these paintings was so time-consuming that it demanded assistance. All such work was done by collective enterprise in the workshops. The painter or master who is credited with having created the painting may have designed the work and overseen its production, but it is highly unlikely that the artist’s hand applied every stroke of the brush. More likely, numerous assistants, who had been trained to imitate the artist’s style, applied the
paint. The carpenter’s shop probably provided the frame and perhaps supplied the panel, and yet another shop supplied the gold. Thus, not only many hands, but also many shops were involved in the final product.
In spite of problems with their condition, restoration, and preservation many panel paintings have survived, and today many of them are housed in museum collections.
Questions 15-20
15. What aspect of panel paintings does the passage mainly discuss?
A) Famous example
B) Different styles
C) Restoration
D) Production
16. According to the passage, what was the first step in making a panel painting?
A) Mixing the paint
B) Preparing the panel
C) Buying the gold leaf
D) Making ink drawings
17. Which of the following processes produced the translucent colors found on panel paintings?
A) Joining wooden planks to form large sheets
B) Polishing the gesso
C) Applying many layers of paint
D) Covering the background with gold leaf
18. What characteristic of tempera paint is mentioned in the passage?
A) It dries quickly
B) It is difficult to make
C) It dissolves easily
D) It has to be applied directly to wood
19. The “collective enterprise” mentioned in the third paragraph includes all of the following EXCEPT
A) supplying the gold leaf
B) building the panels
C) applying the paint
D) selling the painting
20. The author mention all of the following as problems with the survival of panel paintings EXCEPT
A) condition
B) theft
C) preservation
(D) restoration
Part III TRANSLATION (30 points)
Directions: For this part, there are two tasks. You are allowed to translate a passage from Chinese into English and a passage from English into Chinese. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet.
TRANSLATION TASK 1 (15 points )
Translate the following passage into English.
18 世纪中叶,曹雪芹的长篇小说《红楼梦》问世,在中国文学发展史上树起了一座辉煌灿烂的艺术丰碑。
TRANSLATION TASK 2 (15 points)
Translate the following passage into Chinese.
How to Grow Old
by Bertrand Russell
As regards health, I have nothing useful to say since I have little experience of illness. Ieat and drink whatever I like, and sleep when I cannot keep awake. I never do anythingwhatever on the ground that it is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doingare mostly wholesome.
Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these isundue absorption in the past. It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good olddays, or in sadness about friends who are dead. One’s thoughts must be directed to the future,and to things about which there is something to be done. This is not always easy; one’s ownpast is a gradually increasing weight. It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used tobe more vivid than they are, and one’s mind more keen. If this is true it should be forgotten,and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true.
The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigour from itsvitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if youcontinue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely tobecome a burden to them, unless they are unusually callous. I do not mean that one should bewithout interest in them, but one’s interest should be contemplative and, if possible,philanthropic, but not unduly emotional. Animals become indifferent to their young as soon astheir young can look after themselves, but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, findthis difficult. (to be continued)
【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。
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