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with respect to 至于,关于

inrespect of 考虑到……,至于(正式用语)

have respect for sb./ show respect to sb. 尊敬某人

without respect to 不管,不顾

as a last resort 作为最后一招

resort to 诉诸于,求助于

refresh oneself( with sth.) (以某物)提神

refresh one’s memory 唤起某人的记忆

refrain from (doing) sth. 克制不做某事

refrain from anger 抑制愤怒

refuse / grant sb. credit 拒绝/允许赊购

refusalto do sth. 拒绝做某事

receive a refusal 遭到拒绝

at the end of one’s recourses 山穷水尽无计可施

leave sb. to his own recourses 让某人独自去想办法

reserve a ticket 订票

reserve…for… 保留……作……用

with / withoutreserve 有/ 无保留地 inreserve 备用的

reserve one’s judgment on sth. 对某事暂不表态

register one’s name 登记名字

restrict… (sth. / sb. / oneself ) to… 把……限制在……的范围

be restricted in one’s movements 行动受约束

be restricted by time / law 受时间 / 法律限制

recommend sth. / sb. to sb. 把……推荐给……

recommend doing sth.建议做某事

recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

recommend sb. for the post 推荐某人任此职

the remedy for 治……的疗法 纠正……的办法

remedy the situation/ mistake / loss 挽救局势/纠正错误/ 弥补损失

beyond / past retrieve 无法补救

retrieve… from… 拯救……

retrieve a loss 挽回损失

retrieve one’s spirit 重振精神

be repelled by sth. 对某事物感到反感

have / place/ putreliance upon/on /in 信赖,信任

relate sth. to sb. 向某人叙述某事 (事实/经历)

relate sth. to / with sth. else 将……与……联系起来

relate to sb./sth. 涉及某人/某事

in/ with relationto 关于,有关

on reflection 经过仔细考虑

reaction against 对抗

chainreaction 连锁反映

inresponse to 作为对……的反映

sb.’s response to sth. 某人对……的反映

give /make a /noresponse ( to) (对……)做出/不做反映

at risk 处在危险 at the risk of 冒着……的危险

run a risk /run risks 冒险

run / takethe risk of 冒着……的危险

at the risk of( doing) 冒着(做)……的危险

at the risk of one’s life 冒着生命危险

risk ( doing) sth. 冒做某事的危险

risk… (in)doing sth. 冒着失去……的危险做某事

risk one’s life (in) doing sth. 冒着生命危险做某事

at random 随便地,任意地

reproach oneself 自责

reproach sb. for (doing) sth. 因为(做)某事而责备某人

get/h**e/take one’s revenge on sb. for sth.因某事向某人报仇

revenge oneself on sb. / be revenged onsb. (for sth. ) (为某事)向某人报仇

out of / inrevenge for sth. 为了报复

it’s reasonable to do sth. 做某事是合理的

make out/ signa receipt 开出收据/在收据上签字

get a receipt 索取收据

acknowledge receipt of a letter / anorder 签收信件 / 定单

on receipt of sth. 一收到某物,收到某物后

be in receipt of sth. 以收到某物

inthe raw 处在自然状态,裸体的

raw data 原始数据

be rude to sb. 对某人粗暴无理 a rough sketch 草图

rough behavior 粗暴的行为 in rough 大体地,粗略地

beroughonsb. 对某人来说不愉快 ,不幸

reconciledifferences 调和矛盾

reconcilesth. with 使和……一致,相符

reconcilesb. to sth. 使某人无可奈何地接受某事(不愉快)

resign ( from) sth. 辞去,放弃某职位

resign from office 辞职

resign oneself to sth. 使自己听任,安于某事物

feel relieved 感到如释重负

relieve sb.’s mind 解除某人的忧虑

relieve oneself 解手

reward sb. for (doing) sth. 因(某人做)某事给某人报酬

reward sb. with sth. 以某物回报某人

give sb. a reward of 给某人……的报酬

inreward of / as a reward for 为酬答,作为对……的奖励,奖赏

offer a reward 悬赏

reap / receive one’s just reward 获得应有的报偿

meet / satisfy / fulfillthe requirements 符合要求或规定

revolve around 以……为主要内容

resolve about /round 围绕……而旋转

inwith relation to 关系到

indirect / inverse ratio 按正反比例

the ratio of A to B A 与 B 的比 inthe ratio of 以……的比例

range from… to … /between … and … 在……到……的范围之内变化

within/ outside one’s range of 超出某人的……范围

a wide rangeof 广泛的,广博的

over the longrange 从长远看

the rankand file 普通士兵

of the first / top rank 第一流的

people ofall ranks 社会各阶层

above / below … inrank 在级别上比……高/低

jointhe ranks of … 加入……的行列

ranksb. / sth . as 把某人/某物列为

rankfirst / second 排名第一/第二

rank above / below 列入比……高/低的等级

have a rare time 玩的很高兴

at any rate 无论如何,不管怎样

be under review 在检查中,调查中

give a generalreview of 概括地谈谈

say a few words in retort 反驳几句

quickat retort 善于回嘴的

with / inregard to 关于,至于 in/ by relay(s) 以轮班方式

in/ withreference to 关于

withreference to 与……无关,不管

be relevant to 与……有关

inthe long run 从长远看

in the short run 在不久的将来

on the run 忙碌,奔波,奔跑,逃跑

be sufficient for 足够供给

be sensitive to… 对……敏感,易感受

it is sensible of sb . to do sth .某人做某事是明智的

be sensible of sth 感到某事物的存在

be subsidiary to 从属于,附属于……的

give… the slip 避开,甩掉 let slip 偶然泄露(秘密)

slip up 失误 slip in/ out /away 溜进,溜出,溜过去

a slip of the pen/ tongue 笔误/口误

strive after / for 为……奋斗,争取

strive toward 向……奋进,为……而努力

strive with 同……做斗争

shake down 敲诈勒索 彻底搜查

shake off 抖落 摆脱

shake up 使改组,使重组, 使震惊,使不安

substitute A for B ,用 A 代 B

substitute sb. by / with another 用别人接替某人

substitute for sb./sth. 代替,替换,取代

be similar to… (in… )(在……方面)和……相似

have similar tastes in 在……方面的口味、品位相同

ina similar way 类似地,以类似的方式

be subordinate to 比……次要的,比……级别低的

succeed in (doing)sth. 在某方面获得成功

succeed sb. as 继某人出任(某职)

succeed sb. in 继某人接掌(职权,爵位)

succeed to sth. 继承(头衔,财产)

succeed oneself 再度当选,连任

subsequent to 继……之后,在……之后

subject sb./sth. to… 使某人或某物受到

be subjected to 遭受,蒙受

be subject to 易遭……的

on the spot 在场,到场,立即

submit a plan/ proposal to 向……递交计划/建议

submit (oneself) to 屈服于,听从

submit a case to the court 向法院提起诉讼

spot sb. inthe crowd 在人群中认出某人

spot sth. with… 用……沾污某物


【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。

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