【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。
Text 1
Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents, but in recent years it has been particularly scorned. School districts across the country, most recently Los Angeles Unified, are revising their thinking on this educational ritual. Unfortunately, L.A. Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the exception of some advanced courses, homework may no longer count for more than 10% of a student’s academic grade.
This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework. But the policy is unclear and contradictory. Certainly, no homework should be assigned that students cannot complete on their own or that they cannot do without expensive equipment. But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do
not do their homework because of complicated family lives, it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.
District administrators say that homework will still be a part of schooling; teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want. But with homework counting for no more than 10% of their grades, students can easily skip half their homework and see very little difference on their report cards. Some students might do well on state tests without completing their homework, but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework? It is quite possible that the homework helped. Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students, the policy imposes a flat, across-the-board rule.
At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students’ academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing. Conversely, if homework matters, it should account for a significant portion of the grade. Meanwhile, this policy does nothing to ensure that the homework students receive is meaningful or appropriate to their age and the subject, or that teachers are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.
The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board, which is responsible for setting educational policy, looks into the matter and conducts public hearings. It is not too late for
L.A. Unified to do homework right.
5. It is implied in Paragraph 1 that nowadays homework .
[A] is receiving more criticism
[B] is gaining more preferences
[C] is no longer an educational ritual
[D] is not required for advanced courses
6. L.A. Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students .
[A] tend to have moderate expectations for their education
[B] have asked for a different educational standard
[C] may have problems finishing their homework
[D] have voiced their complaints about homework
7. According to Paragraph 3, one problem with the policy is that it may .
[A] result in students’ indifference to their report cards
[B] undermine the authority of state tests
[C] restrict teachers’ power in education
[D] discourage students from doing homework
8. As mentioned in Paragraph 4, a key question unanswered about homework is whether.
[A] it should be eliminated
[B] it counts much in schooling
[C] it places extra burdens on teachers
[D] it is important for grades
9. A suitable title for this text could be .
[A] A Faulty Approach to Homework
[B] A Welcomed Policy for Poor Students
[C] Thorny Questions about Homework
[D] Wrong Interpretations of an Educational Policy
Text 1
1. 【答案】A
【解析】文章首段首句指出“家庭作业一直不受学生,还有许多家长的欢迎,特别是到了最近几年,家庭作业还遭到了人们的不屑。”后面的内容则是简单提出美国各学区对于家庭作业的作为,引出 L.A.Unified 针对家庭作业所指定的政策。该题题干问的是“根据文章首段, 目前家庭作业…”,关键词是家庭作业,因此答案从首句就能判断出来,题干的 nowadays
对应原文中的 in recent years,所选答案则是对“it has been particularly scorned。”的同义改写, 故答案选 A。
2. 【答案】C
【解析】文章第二段首句明确说到“这项政策的制定是为了解决贫困家庭的学生在完成家庭 作业中可能遇到的困难。”这与题干所问“制定该政策的主要原因”以及“贫困学生”就对应起来了,故答案选 C。
3. 【答案】D
【解析】文章第三段第二句指出,“如果家庭作业仅占分值的 10%,学生很容易少做一半的家庭作业,在他们的成绩单上也不会有什么差别。”“家庭作业仅占分值 10%”这是 L.A.Unified 制定出的家庭作业政策的内容,因此,从这句话可以看出有了这项政策,既然成绩单上不会 有区别,学生就会选择少做一半的家庭作业。
4. 【答案】B
【解析】题干关键词“a key question unanswered ”对应第四段的首句“the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework。”而这个问题的具体内容则是从“if”开始说明, 因此这道题要解出正确答案,需要对后面的内容进行分析,“如果学区认为家庭作业对应学生的学业不重要,学区应致力于减少或者删除家庭作业,使家庭作业不起任何作用;相反, 如果家庭作业重要,它应该在学业中占重要的一部分。”从这两句的内容中,我们可以简单归纳出,L.A.Unified 所指定的这项政策到目前为止还未对家庭作业对于学生学业是否有重要作用给出确定答案,故答案选 B。
5. 【答案】A
【解析】这篇文章开篇指出家庭作业的弊病,随即提出美国各学区对此做出的努力,以L.A.Unified 所指定的政策为例,说明这项政策在各方面的作为,如第三段末尾说“The policy imposes a flat, across-the-board rule”,第四段首句说“这项政策并未解决任何关于家庭作业的棘手问题”,看出作者对于这项政策实际是持否定态度的,因此答案 B 可以排除;而 C 选项说的是“关于家庭作业的棘手问题”,文章中虽然提到这个“棘手问题”,但并非主要阐述,最终落脚点还是在关于家庭作业的政策上面,因此 C 选项排除;A 选项的错误在于“错误解读”,文章是对政策进行客观解读,错误的是政策本身,而非解读。D 选项考生可能不选的原因在于对“approach”一词的内涵意义不够理解,approach 一词本意是接近,靠近,方法,它引申出来就是策略的意思,与文章中的 policy 内涵一致。
对于学生甚至许多家长而言,家庭作业从来没有在他们中间广受欢迎过。但是在最近几 年,家庭作业备受轻视,全美国的学区都在改变他们对家庭作业这一教学常规的看法,洛杉 矶联合学区最近也在这样做。不幸的是,洛杉矶联合学区制定了一项死板的政策,除了一些
高级课程外,家庭作业在学业成绩中所占的比率不能高于 10%。
这一规定旨在解决家庭贫困或者家庭环境混乱学生在完成家庭作业时可能面临的困难。 但是这一规定不够明确,而且自相矛盾。当然,老师不应该布置一些学生自己无法完成的作业,或者需要学生劝学生借助昂贵的设备才能完成的作业。但如果学区本质上允许学生因家庭环境复杂而无法完成作业,这极有可能意味着应该降低对来自贫困家庭学生的学业要求。
学区负责人表示,家庭作业仍然是学校教育的一部分,老师可以根据自己的意愿布置家 庭作业量。但由于家庭作业所占比重不在超过学业成绩的 10%。因此学生可以轻易地逃避一半的作业量,而他们的成绩单上却几乎看不出差别,有些不完成作业的学生也可能在州立 考试中取得良好的成绩。但对于那些考试成绩优良又同时完成所有的学生来讲会怎样呢,家 庭作业很可能起到重要的作用,这一政策是加了一条呆板的统一的规定,没有授权老师去探 索什么样的作业最适合学生。
同时,这一政策也没有解决任何关于家庭作业真正棘手的问题,如果学区认为家庭作业 对于提高学生的学业成绩并不重要,那他就应该少布置或者不布置家庭作业。而不是将作业 在成绩中所占的比例降到几乎为零。相反,如果家庭作业重要,那么他应该在成绩中占比较 大的比较大的比重。同时,这一政策没有保证学生要完成的作业是有意义的,并且符合他们 的年龄和所学科目,也没有保证老师所布置的作业没有超过他们愿意检查和批改的量。
【26考研辅导课程推荐】:26考研集训课程,VIP领学计划,26考研VIP全科定制套餐(公共课VIP+专业课1对1) , 这些课程中都会配有内部讲义以及辅导书和资料,同时会有教研教辅双师模式对大家进行教学以及督学,并配有24小时答疑和模拟测试等,可直接咨询在线客服老师领取大额优惠券。
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